About Me

A Little About Me & The Site

My names Brandon Hernandez I’m 21 years old studying at the University of Miami to become an Architect as well as a part-time graphic designer. And I hope to open up my own firm one day and push my industry in a new direction.

picture of myself
Picture of myself

My Design Philosophy

Design is many things but in my eyes, Design is the way we as architects mold and evolve the world with new spaces and experiences. It’s like a layered cake that consists of breaking boundaries, process, and problem solving. Architecture allows me to improve the flow of people’s lives. By breaking the boundaries of design, to improve people’s lives by manipulating the space to tell a story of complexly and beauty, through articulation in every new project and experience. Design is an on-going messy process of trial by errors; which can make you hit the reset button or bless you with a happy mistake, that pushes you to a place you never thought you could go to. Which is why I truly love design and its need for problem solving. “A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines”. Frank Lloyd Wright.

Formal Resume PDF